LC DESIGN Resources
Leederville Connect's design sub-committee, LC DESIGN, is a collaborative group of local designers, thinkers, residents, planners, architects, developers, and bureaucrats that used design thinking to work out how to make Leederville a human centred place.
From this work we have prepared these DESIGN RESOURCES. They are available for everybody - developers, businesses and residents, to use. They are more than building codes, they are guides, ideas, papers, videos and much more. Most importantly they are there to help you get inside our heads and join the discussion about how we will make Leederville amazing. Check out the resources below.
Leederville Character
Leederville is unique and, as development is occurring, we wanted to be able to explain this uniqueness so that it can be carried forward into new developments. This video explores what makes Leederville - "Leederville".
Leederville Narrative
We created this story back in 2015. Focused on the idea of 'Fostering the spirit behind the urban village', it tells the story of what we want to create. This story underpins everything we do. We are currently upgrading this narrative and will post more information shortly. Join this discussion.
Good Ideas for Leederville
Since its early days in 2015 the people in Leederville Connect have always been coming up with good ideas for Leederville. In February 2019 LC DESIGN packaged up the most exciting of these ideas into a presentation.
Later in 2019 as more people got involved in our work we further refined these ideas and particularly got the people on the group who were part of the development industry to give their input to the process. And the output was extensive. To bring order to these ideas we used the OnePlanet framework ( to organise them.
Leederville's Character & Shared Spaces
This primer is designed to help people understand the physical appearance of our common spaces like our footpaths, streets and buildings. It is designed to inform developers, architects and planners how they can contribute to creating better quality common spaces in Leederville that are a whole lot better than many of the outcomes that have occurred in the past.
Social Infrastructure in Leederville
In 2019 and 2020 Leederville Connect, with support from the developer community investigated the social infrastructure needs of Leederville. Social infrastructure are the things like parks, footpaths, libraries, events, laneways laundromats etc. that everybody uses and makes a place liviable. This study was based on the Good Ideas and used a series of criteria and democratic community processes to prioritise what needs to come into Leederville. Over time, developers, the City of Vincent and Leederville Connect can work together to deliver these in Leederville.
Leederville's User Experience
Leederville UX started by asking the question “What type of city are we trying to create and for whom are we creating it? What is the User eXperience of the cities we are creating?” This was significantly different to the usual town planning process that focuses on locating density, height and cars into a local context.
Leederville UX was a democratic and collaborative design approach that started from the lived experience of four typical groups of people that we find in Leederville. The challenge was to design Leederville in a way that supported these people living happy and healthy lives.
Making Good Places
This research paper is authored by LC DESIGN chair, Dr David Galloway, and Dr Mike Mouritz (Curtin University). This explores how range governance structures can support the creation of Good Places and evaluates their capacity to support this creative process.
COVID - and what comes next
COVID has opened doors to a new way for people to be with each other in their towns. It has taught us that we are vulnerable and need each other. This three-part essay explores the impacts of COVID-19 on cities and communities, and how we might reinvent town centres to secure a resilient and sustainable future.