AirSpace (AirYoga)
The AirSpace is Perth’s premier aerial yoga studio specialising in circus and gymnastic based strength and flexibility training. Owned and created by Ashley Lau (former professional aerialist) and Trevor Aung Than (Former Head Physiotherapist on Cirque Du Soleil’s Show Zaia) the AirSpace has been responsible for introducing the Perth public to the all the fun and exciting benefits of training like an acrobat!
We run 40+ Classes a week, open 7 days. Want to learn to use the Gymnastic Rings? How about a handstand? Ever wanted the body of an acrobat? Come join us at the AirSpace and get started!
Regardless of your fitness level, whether you are a seasoned circus die hard or a complete beginner that is curious to start at the age of 60, the trainers at the AirSpace will teach you to move your body like you’ve never moved before in a way that is fun, challenging and mentally stimulating all wrapped up in a beautiful studio full of friendly people!